Professional Garden Tool Sharpening Service in Windsor
We all know the frustration of using dull shears, loppers, and secateurs etc when working in the garden or landscaping. If you're in the Windsor area why not bring them to me? I can skilfully and precisely sharpen them so you can enjoy using them again. Get in touch to arrange a drop off today!
Garden Tools
I sharpen most garden hand tools, including some you may not have thought of - even spades and trowels perform better with a new edge on them. I can sharpen various types of garden shears, axes, hatchets, loppers, secateurs and rotary mower blades, please see below. For anything not on the list please ask!
Garden Tool Sharpening Prices
Axe/hatchet, small £8.00
Axe/splitting maul, large £11.00
Bill hook £10.00
Brush cutter blade £10.00
Edging shears (long handle) £9.00
Edging Tool £8.00
Garden shears £9.00
Garden snips £7.00
Grass shears £9.00
Hoe £6.00
Lawn shears (long handle) £9.00
Loppers £8.00
Mattock £11.00
Rotary mower blade, small £8.00
Rotary mower blade, large £11.00
Secateurs £7.00
Spade £8.00
Topiary (sheep) shears £7.00
Trowel £5.00

Garden Tools are disassembled where possible, cleaned, sharpened, then adjusted and freshly oiled.
Sorry but I don't sharpen hedge trimmers, chainsaw chains, chipper blades or cylinder mowers.
Garden Tool Repairs
If your tools are excessively rusted they can still be saved but there will be an extra charge for cleaning them up before I can sharpen them. There may also be a small extra charge if your tool's edges are badly worn or damaged. I can also apply boiled linseed oil to preserve wooden handles on request.
Garden Tool Repair Prices
Heavy rust removal charge +£5.00
Apply boiled linseed oil
(wooden handles) +£3.00
Remove chips or wear >1mm
+£3.00 to £5.00
Remove/refit rotary mower blade
My professional Garden Tool Sharpening Process
Blunt garden tools take the enjoyment out of gardening, but by using precision techniques tailored to each tool's unique purpose, I meticulously realign and sharpen every edge. Your freshly sharpened garden tools will slice through branches, stems and stalks with minimal effort!
Quality sharpening doesn't have to be expensive. I offer an affordable garden tool sharpening service, keeping your tools in peak condition without straining your budget. Contact Windsor's trusted local sharpening specialist and make gardening enjoyable again!​